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Winter Sale
Coupon Code: AOGW2510 - 10% off $75+
We are proud to represent Too Fat Ladies and Reisswitz Press in the USA. Their innovative wargame rules allow you to immerse yourself in the game, and not the rulebook - "Play the period, not the rules." Be sure to check out Lard America for a great community of like-minded wargamers and additional support.
Rules and Card Decks Available Now!
Look for news on token and marker sets soon.
Midgard: Heroic Battles is in stock and available now!
Ares 28mm WWI Russian Are Back!
Infantry in Cap, Fur Hat, or Helmet, Command, and Artillery

New Figure Ranges
Xan 15mm American Civil War
Xan 20mm Moderns and WWII
The Empress Thirty Years War range is in stock and available now. This is another fine range sculpted by Paul Hicks and provides many options for the period.

New M41 Walker "Bulldog"
The M41 was used by ARVN forces from the Mid-60's.
In early 1971 the tank was involved in the first major tank battle of the war and was credited destroying six T54's and seventeen PT76's. Captured vehicles were also used by PAVN forces against their previous owners.

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